We look back at the last 2 years… to appreciate the gains
Not so long ago it was difficult to imagine a day when the pandemic would be behind us, but the march of time has progressed relentlessly as ever, and we now look back to see COVID 19 receding into the distance…
What did we learn?
It is always useful to look back and understand what has been learned through a challenging or difficult situation. Historically, it is often through such trying times that some of the greatest gains are made. Here’s where we, at MIH, turned negatives into positives:
- Flexible working
The necessity of working from home during the pandemic lead to creative thinking about how to manage the MIH business model from multiple remote locations. The answer to this was to review our processes and how we communicate and then implement better systems and improved technologies and techniques for sharing key information – quickly and effectively.This innovation now ensures that our team members are always up to date and in possession of the latest client notes wherever they are: – in the office, on the road or working from home.
- Core strength
As the business has continued to grow so we have introduced a management structure lead by a ‘core team’ to guarantee that the central streams of our business are absolutely rock solid:
• Candice Fisher – Director of Operations and Human Resources
• Richard Townsend – Finance Director
• Joe Starkey – Head of Property
• Matthew Sparrowhawk – Director of Operations and Technology
This, the A-Team of skilled professionals, evolved as a result of the demands of the pandemic, and now leads the MIH day to day business – freeing M.D. Sarah Fisher to look towards business development and future innovations.
- Teamwork
We are nothing without our team, quite literally. Our staff are our strength and are chosen for their individual skills, and what they can bring to MIH, both as an independent worker, e.g. at home, and when interacting with colleagues, e.g. in the office.The pandemic certainly challenged our staff and required us all to think and work differently. From that came the willingness to think outside of the box and to go that little bit further to deliver a better service for our clients – even in difficult circumstances. We all developed a new kind of resilience and versatility which stays with us today.
- The importance of osmosis!
Whilst working from home became completely possible, (and for many people around the world, quite a comfortable option) in reality, being in the workplace delivers many hidden benefits.Working alongside team members creates a positive dynamic and a sense of camaraderie and belonging. Ideas are bounced around quickly, senior members can share their experience and provide guidance and mentoring in the moment, communication is broader, more intuitive and nuanced.It surprising how body language speaks volumes and being in the presence of others provides a whole other quality of learning (by osmosis – you don’t even realise it’s happening) and human interaction. Subtle at times, but very, very obvious at others!
- Loyalty
When the going got tough…
From loyal suppliers and partners to our wide variety of clients, residential and commercial, there was a spirit of mutual support and consideration. A willingness to work together to find ways and means to ride out the storms was imperative, whether that was managing the London lettings exodus to finding practical solutions to problems when resources and services were in short supply.It was an eye-opener at times, and not everyone was saintly, but you quickly learn who you can count on! We are truly appreciative of this loyalty and its effects are long-lasting and contribute to a positive outlook for the future.
Moving forwards – towards even better service
Whilst the immediate future may not quite be rosy yet, rest assured we are in recovery and things will get better in time.
MIH is, once again, predominately office based, but with a new flexibility that allows our team members to work from home one day a week, as required. In this way, we have found the balance between the convenience of home working and usefully avoiding the commute (rail strikes, state funerals and more!), whilst ensuring that we give our clients the gold standard in service.
We are committed to visiting properties in person on a regular scheduled basis. We are on site, fully functional, available, to hand, connected – and busy making things happen!