Investing in Maintenance
020 3637 7968
info@mihproperty.co.uk020 3637 7968
MIH has invested in comprehensive technology to ensure that its property management infrastructure is resolutely sound, and that their team are operating to the best of their abilities.
From the outset of the business, MIH’s CEO made a very distinct investment in the choice of software system, selecting MRI QUBE pm as the preferred software package. It comes at a price, but it is by far the best available on the market and allows MIH to function in an organised, connected, concise and highly efficient way.
Sarah Fisher, founder and CEO explained,
I always say that QUBE is the iphone of Property Management, though for those who are Android users this may perhaps seem off-putting. It is most definitely integral to our business; we keep all our client information on this and the functionality allows us to easily prepare reports pertaining to our properties.”
MRI QUBE property management and accounting is designed very specifically for MIH’s marketplace. It neatly brings together a host of features that make collating the myriad tasks involved within this line of work simpler and more cohesive.
An end-to-end solution, in a nutshell MRI Qube tackles and delivers:
The account features were the reason why we purchased QUBE in the first place. It is a simple and elegant operating system despite working on the principles of double entry accounting.”
The MRI QUBE interface supports the creation of bespoke processes and workflows allowing staff to tailor the system to suit exact requirements, or so suit the particular needs of each sector, project or client. It systemises the most frequent tasks and ensures the MIH team all sing tunefully from the same song sheet. It reduces the opportunity for error, assists communication across the board and greatly improves the team’s ability to deliver exemplary customer service.
Data can be gathered, stored and shared rapidly from almost anywhere, in a safe and secure cloud-based environment. MIH found this feature particularly useful during the lockdown when the team were working remotely, and it continues to be beneficial now that flexible working is the norm.
Visibility of clients/projects/tenants’ data is clear and accessible. They can quickly reference all aspects of a client account or project, for example: a timeline of notes and associated documents centralised in one place means that MIH team members can easily find what they need, pick up the mantle and action tasks as and when needed.
In Sarah’s words…
“We can present information according to a client’s preference – they may wish to see what funds are remaining rather than what funds have been spent for example. We can run reports across the quarter and can also look at trends in respect of this information.
Moving forward, we are looking at other functionality including a portal for clients to be able to view their accounts and a site visit app so that our clients can see when we have attended and the results of that visit.”
Put into practice it forms the hub of MIH’s day to day business and means that communication between team members and clients is accurate and seamless.
Sarah summed up as follows:
It was the biggest expense when I started the business but one that I have never regretted or doubted as the quality of the system far exceeds any others out there and the simplicity of use. Even relative newcomers are able to use the system within hours.”
Although this may sound like an advert for MRI QUBE and it is a great tool, it is nevertheless how it is implemented that delivers the results. MIH have taken and integrated the system into their working practices to really leverage what they do, for the benefit of their clients. A water-tight system with clearly defined processes makes MIH fleet-of-foot, proactive, ready to respond and ready to grow.
With their systems wrapped up, they are well-placed to move forward and stay on the leading edge of Property management.